Saturday, June 21, 2008

Baby Bump Debut

You asked for it, so here it is! Yep, baby Smith is definitely making himself known. I think I've doubled in size the last two weeks. I never realized pregnancy could feel this awkward. It used to seem so glamorous, now I's just uncomfortable about 87% of the time!

Thanks to Carma for the picture.

Called to Serve

The last couple weeks have been big in both my family and Keaton's! On the 10th my little brother Brandon left for the Brazilian MTC. It was so cool to see him off at the airport, I just kept thinking, "Wow! Can he really be this old?" But I think he is ready and from what he's said in his first email he is doing just fine, he even lucked out and got issued his own personal fan. (He can't sleep without one! )

Then, this past Thursday, Keaton's sister Amy got her Bucharest Romania! Whoa. That's all I have to say. It is pretty cool because their great grandparents came from Romania. In fact, Paula's maiden name, Popa, is supposed to be as common there as Smith is here. Hard to believe, but we'll see.

Good luck to both of you!

Monday, June 9, 2008


So for the sake of my continued employment, I have deleted the bitter diatribe that was my last post, "venting." It's like one of those letters you have to write and then throw away. Sometimes you just have to get stuff out.

There is a moral to this story, however. Don't mess with an overly emotional pregnant birthday girl with a penchant for writing descriptive essays and who has access to a public forum. It can't end well.