Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Belly

So my baby bump is now more like a baby boulder! The look on my face is an indication of my overwhelming excitement. I still have over 5 weeks to go! Its like the moon...I know my belly has another side to it, but I just can't see it...

And here is the most recent picture of my passenger. These were done at 33 weeks and he was measuring about five and a half pounds. The doctor told me that I could expect him to gain a half pound every week and we still had seven weeks left at that point which would put him at nine pounds by his due date. Yep, that's my big guy. :)
To help you decipher the two ultrasound pics, the first is a great profile of his nose and lips and a little bit of chin and forehead. The lower one is also a profile pic, but of the other side, and we mostly get forehead and nose, because that is a hand up there in his mouth. He isn't sucking his thumb, but he kept putting his hand in his mouth. At least that's better than his momma, who is always putting a foot in her mouth. :)
Only a few more weeks to go!


  1. Can't wait to meet him! Are you excited for your shower tonight?

  2. Wow...that baby is going to be so big! I compared the pic of your belly to Carolanne's belly right before she had the baby. You definitely win!

  3. You look so good! It sounds like he is going to be a big little guy though. I'm really excited for you. Where are you living right now, hopefully it will be close to us!

  4. What a great analogy! Those pictures are fun, they let you know that there really is a little person in there. I'm so excited to meet Rumple. He looks adorable.
