Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Getting Ready

We're getting ready for Christmas at our house!
To help out, Jamison stood on a box.  He's a really great box-stander.

  He is such a good boy, always wanting to share.  Here he is trying to share his slobbery candy cane.
Or, he might be challenging me to a duel.  Can't be sure, really.
Or, conducting an imaginary orchestra?

Well, I know what's under the Christmas tree for me! A sticky baby, my favorite!

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas. :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Got it Done

So as many of you know, part of the reason I've been MIA on my personal blog is because I've been super busy with my business.  Besides the abundance of Christmas family sessions, I decided to put together a photography workshop.  I felt a little out of my league when I started it, but as I planned it things really started coming together.  So, long story short, this last Saturday was the big day!  And it went off without a hitch.  We spent the day sipping hot chocolate in front of a fire in an 1800s refurbished loft on 25th street (the Grand Suites, check it out, it is beautiful) and talking about my favorite subject (outside of Jamison and Keaton, of course) photography.  It was lovely.  I was exhausted by the time it was over, but I'm so glad I did it.  Here is a sampling of the pictures from that day.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Tradition

One of the best things about this season is Keaton's and my first-kiss-iversary (yep, I made that up). On a teacher protest day nine years ago on the 5th of December, we had our very first kiss (which was my first actual kiss... his first kiss with me....but I digress...) :) Before we got married, we marked that occasion as our "anniversary." Of course, though was eventually eclipsed by our marriage anniversary, it is still important to me, and I want to remember it and commemorate it.  So this year we came up with a tradition for our little family to help keep December 5th special.

I spent the day cleaning the house and planning a great meal. When we all were together at the end of the day Keaton put our tree up while I finished cooking. Then we had a big feast--me, Keaton and Jamison--and put up all the decorations. Well, we meant to. :) but we were tired (we, meaning Jamison) and so the actual decorating didn't technically get done until the next day, but I don't mind. The ground work for our tradition has been laid. On Dec 5th from now on we will have a big tree decorating ceremony with a big special dinner on special (all-a-dollar) plates and goblets, listening to Christmas music all the while. Together.  No distractions.  I'm pretty sure that evening is the closest I've felt to heaven in a long time. :)

Poor bruised little face!  Still the cutest guy around!