Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Tradition

One of the best things about this season is Keaton's and my first-kiss-iversary (yep, I made that up). On a teacher protest day nine years ago on the 5th of December, we had our very first kiss (which was my first actual kiss... his first kiss with me....but I digress...) :) Before we got married, we marked that occasion as our "anniversary." Of course, though was eventually eclipsed by our marriage anniversary, it is still important to me, and I want to remember it and commemorate it.  So this year we came up with a tradition for our little family to help keep December 5th special.

I spent the day cleaning the house and planning a great meal. When we all were together at the end of the day Keaton put our tree up while I finished cooking. Then we had a big feast--me, Keaton and Jamison--and put up all the decorations. Well, we meant to. :) but we were tired (we, meaning Jamison) and so the actual decorating didn't technically get done until the next day, but I don't mind. The ground work for our tradition has been laid. On Dec 5th from now on we will have a big tree decorating ceremony with a big special dinner on special (all-a-dollar) plates and goblets, listening to Christmas music all the while. Together.  No distractions.  I'm pretty sure that evening is the closest I've felt to heaven in a long time. :)

Poor bruised little face!  Still the cutest guy around!


  1. What a fun tradition! :) I like it...especially the all a dollar dinnerware.

  2. What a fun tradition, and putting up the tree will save you later from having to explain to the kids why you're really celebrating ;). They'll think it's just part of the season. The dinner looks beautiful. I always feel bad eating pretty things, but that's never stopped me for more than a few seconds.

  3. That is a great tradition! And I agree with Carolanne, it the christmas decorating can mask it well. Isn't starting your own traditions fun!
