Thursday, February 25, 2010


I've been thinking about renting a fog machine for one of my photo shoots one of these days.  So when Jamison got interested in his humidifier this week (poor thing had a wee bit of a croupy cough and a scratchy throat) I decided to use the opportunity to practice. :)
And oh, yeah.  He knows how to turn it on.  He's a smart cookie.  Every time I turn it off or turn it down, he's right there to turn it back to full blast.
On another note I've been toying with the idea of starting a photo-a-day blog.  Lots of other photographers do it.  Mine would be different though.  It would be all about Jamison.  Which could free up this blog to actually include some of my thoughts every once in a while. (which is about as often as I have them: every once in a while.)  What do you guys think? 


  1. Loved the new pictures..yes, he is a "smart cookie" and so cute!!! I'm going to miss him while I'm gone,so I would love to see a new picture each day (or 2 or 3....)
    Hope he's feeling better.
    Love you guys

  2. I love the "fog" machine. I don't dare get mine out because I don't have a carpet cleaner to suck all the water out of the carpet that I know my son would dump on the floor the first chance he got. I love Jamison's curiosity. It's so fun to watch the wheels turn in their little heads.
