Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Baby Love

Here is the first picture of my little passenger! Last week I said it would look like a gummy bear, but now I'm thinking more along the lines of cocktail shrimp. I was pretty close on my due date estimation...this little sprout is set to make his/her appearance on the 22nd of October. Man, I never thought a little white blob could be so adorable! And the itsy bitsy heart was beating...it was so surreal. It was like "wow! There is something in there after all!"

On another note...I wish to talk a little about this thing called "pregnancy brain." I've now become fully versed in the realities of pregnancy folklore--the queasiness is no joke, the crazy awful smells are no joke. Now I wish to attest to the truth of pregnancy brain. My appointment was on Monday, and I was supposed to meet Keaton at the clinic. I got there first, and called him and gave him directions. I said "when you get off the freeway, take a LEFT. A LEFT." So when he didn't show up within a few minutes, I called him back and said "Whoops! A RIGHT. You should have taken a RIGHT." He was already pretty far in the wrong direction.

When he did get there we went inside the building and I was so confused...my doctors name wasn't on the directory list. We even went to the room that was supposed to be hers and it was something completely different. Luckily I had the phone number in my phone, and when I called I found out we were in the completely wrong building! (The right one was across the parking lot.) We did make it to the right place on time, but when we finally got put in the room, the nurse directed me to undress from the waist down. As soon as she left I started taking off my shirt and Keaton was like "What are you doing?!? She said waist down!" I said "oh! I thought she said waist up!" He just shook his head and said "Everything this appointment is about happens below the waist!!" I'm so glad I brought my hubby with me! I would have been so embarrassed to have been sitting there in all my waist-up glory when the doctor came in and told me I got it wrong. I would have had to switch doctors!

On the way home I told Keaton that I was so glad to have seen the baby and have proof that I really was pregnant and all this wasn't just some trick of my brain. He said "You better be pregnant or how do you explain the last two months of my life? My wife has gone CRAZY!"

Pregnancy brain is real. I used to have much more cognitive function. I just don't know anymore where I put it!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gummy Bears

This week, my little person is about the size of a gummy bear! When I was looking online for pictures of gummy bears I found all kinds of fun stuff.
Gummy bear peeping toms:

Gummy bear chandelier:

Gummy bear rug:

and a couple of funny youtube videos:

Aren't gummy bears fun?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

All Aboard!

The baby train has stopped at our house! We found out on the 11th of February that we are gonna be welcoming a little person to our family! I estimate I'm about seven weeks along, so I'll be due sometime mid to late October...just in time for the holiday season. The idea has taken some getting used to, but we're excited for the addition. I've been trying to keep track of the wee one's development online, and babycenter.com says that this week he/she is the size of a blueberry!

My first appointment is on the 17th, so we'll have more news (and hopefully an exact due date) then!
This is great for me...I've been coveting those baby tickers for a while now.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Yesterday I had a terrible day. I was not feeling good all day, and just feeling girly-emotional. Then, just when I needed it most, Carma called me out of the blue and we talked for like an hour. It helped a ton. Then, while I was still on the phone with Carma, Carolanne called. I got to talk to her for another half hour or so. It was just what I needed. Husbands are great, but every now and again a girl needs some good ol' fashioned sister time. I went 21 years sharing a room with one or both of my sisters, and I sometimes miss our late-night talks. But even though we're all grown-up now and married, they are still there when I need them. And last night, it was just what the doctor ordered.

The Band

Last week Keaton and his "church band" got to play for a ward party. They always have a ton of fun, and I love taking pictures of them. Here's a pretend LP cover I did for them.