Thursday, March 6, 2008

All Aboard!

The baby train has stopped at our house! We found out on the 11th of February that we are gonna be welcoming a little person to our family! I estimate I'm about seven weeks along, so I'll be due sometime mid to late October...just in time for the holiday season. The idea has taken some getting used to, but we're excited for the addition. I've been trying to keep track of the wee one's development online, and says that this week he/she is the size of a blueberry!

My first appointment is on the 17th, so we'll have more news (and hopefully an exact due date) then!
This is great for me...I've been coveting those baby tickers for a while now.


  1. Yeah! There are easier ways to get a ticker, but they aren't as fun at the end. Judging from the locomotive theme, it looks like you're hoping you've got a boy on your hands. I'm so glad my turtle is closer to the end of the beach than the beginning. He is much bigger than a blueberry and he's getting crowded. Good luck with the coming 229 days!

  2. Congratulations!!!!! You'll be such a good mommy. October is a good time accourding to my primary class. (10-11 yrs old) Just a couple of weeks ago a few of them were saying they really like their b-days in October, because it was close to the holidays and they always had great parties :) I'm so excited for you! Hopefully, whatever gender it is, it will be a naughty baby :)

  3. I've always loved naughty babies...lets just see how much I love having my own naughty baby!

  4. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so exciting! I knew it as soon as i saw the time line at the top of your blog. Yea, so iluff you and i do!! kiss the baby for me!!!!!

  5. That is way exciting!!! Congrats to both you and Keaton. I'm guessing it'll be twins and you'll get a boy and girl :D

  6. I hope your baby is just as naughty as you were! It'd be just what you deserved. I'm way excited for you, and hope your first trimester flies by so you can feel better.

  7. Yipee! Congrats, what a ride you are in for. Here's to hoping you have a pleasant pregnancy. And even if you don't (I sure didn't) I can promise you, it's so worth it in the end!
