Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Verdict is In!

We are going to have a little boy! Seems my mom used up all the girls and now all that's left is little boys for the next generation! I am so excited, but also a little scared...what the heck am I going to do with another boy like Keaton? If little Junior (once again, not a real name choice) is anything like his dad, he will be taking things apart, riding anything with wheels, playing with knives and swords and other various sharp and dangerous weaponry, jumping off of things, and just generally running amok and/or getting into trouble. (And Keaton's kind of trouble usually ends in scars...) The stubborn little thing didn't want to cooperate in Operation Gender Search, my doctor kept trying to prod him (this meant jabbing me in the belly) to get him to play along, and he just wasn't having it. He's showing signs of Keaton-ness already! Finally, he relented and gave us a glimpse of his nether-regions just long enough for a positive ID. By then, I could have guessed he was a daddy's boy without even seeing the proof! (Because, as we all know, stubborness DOES NOT reside in the Campbell genes, no siree.)

Here are a few peeks at the currently incubating offspring:

tiny boy parts:

and his already adorable face:
(it's a profile shot if you're having trouble deciphering!)

There you have it! A wee little face and a wee little...well, weewee. :)


  1. Congrats! I'm very excited for you.

  2. Congrats :) It is always exciting to find out what you are having.

  3. You gave me a bad time about posting my baby's wee parts, and now you are doing the same thing! Some principles fly out the window in the face of motherhood (like the importance of a full night's sleep, and intelligent conversation).
