Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Projects

So I know I haven't posted in a while, its just that life has gotten so busy! Now that we're the proud owners of a house and soon-to-be parents, it seems like the list of things we need to do just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Here are some of the things we're currently working on.

Refinishing our 70's era kitchen cabinets:

No more ugly brown!

Taming the jungle that is our garden: (Keaton did all this today. See that pile? Overgrown sunflowers!)

Fix the sprinklers that decided to stop rotating: (Keaton also did this today. Isn't he handy?)

Create a new movable above ground sprinkler to get the spots the underground ones sometimes missed. (Again, Keaton)

Check out our raspberries! Yum
And lastly, work on Squirt's new room. His current quarters are nice (I do my best to keep him comfortably cushioned) but it won't be long before the little tyke needs an upgrade.

This has been my own project--that is why it is so very unfinished. That's right. Keaton doesn't do EVERYTHING around here. Just most of it. :)

The goal is to turn this:
Into this! Or some near approximation. :)

Work work work work work!


  1. You're refinishing the cabinents? I bet that is a lot of work. Good luck with that. I'm glad you're pulling the ugly wallpaper off! I wish I had rasberries of my own...yum.

  2. Love the backyard...or what I could see of it! You've got lots of work ahead of you, but it looks great so far. If you are feeling up to it, we want you to take some family pictures of us, now that Caleb is a little bigger. I wanted to do it this fall, but that probably won't work with your current situation. Let me know!
