Thursday, October 1, 2009

A bit of a scare.

Yesterday morning I made some scrambled eggs for breakfast. Jamison looked interested, so after I was done I scooped some onto his high chair tray and let him pick at them while I ran downstairs to put some laundry in. When I came upstairs he was fussing, I thought it was because he couldn't see me for a minute. When I scooped him up from the high chair, I immediately saw that he was covered in red, itchy bumps. (I usally let him take breakfast in the buff to keep the outfit he's going to wear the rest of the day relatively clean.) The hives were all over, on his head, behind his ears, all over his chest.

Luckily he seemed to be breathing fine. I immediately took him into the doctor, who said it certainly looked like an allergic reaction to eggs. She said we could test him for it, but it was a pretty obvious cause and effect. I gave him eggs. He got a rash. All within maybe 1 to 2 minutes. His hives had mostly subsided by this time but she recommended children's zyrtec if he had another minor outbreak (she said they could come and go for the next couple of days) and also directed us to keep some childrens benadryl on hand if he has another reaction, whether or not he acidentally gets eggs again or if he has a reaction to something else. Packs a bit more of a punch, which we would need if a reaction affected his respiratory system, it would help while we waited for the ambulance to come.

Um, yikes?

Fortunately, she said his egg allergy seemed to be a less severe form, which more than likely wouldn't inhibit him from getting a flu shot (the two are somehow related, don't ask me why) and that he would probably grow out of it. But in the mean time, no eggs for Jamison.

So it was kind of a stressful day. Jamison came out of it fine, but it meant I didn't shower till noon, that I spent a fortune on allergy medicines of every variety at Wal-mart and that I now have unhealthy fear of eggs.


  1. Poor Jamison...:(. I'm glad everything worked out okay--that is scary!

  2. scary! I bought benydryl as soon as I started feeding Will solids because Zack has some food allergies (and they are the kind that are respiratory related) so I was super paranoid about it. That must have been so scary for you!

  3. I'm glad he's alright, stuff like that scares me, too. The more I learn medically the more freaked out I get. Does he do alright with foods containing eggs like breads and cakes. My uncle has an egg allergy also but it's to any traces of egg. His birthday cake is interesting.
