Friday, July 16, 2010


Carolanne was right when she wrote on facebook that my personal blog had gotten pretty stale.  It has.  It has gone by the wayside like everything else I do for enjoyment, like napping or reading.  Don't get me wrong, outside of my hectic work schedule I am still making time to do things that are fun with my family...but in doing them I don't have time to blog about them.  I figure everyone would prefer me to have some sort of a summer and a poorly updated blog than a blog that is regularly updated with complaining that I don't have any time between working and blogging to do anything fun.  Am I right? Am I right?

But the thing is, I don't want to let these precious toddler days of Jamison's go undocumented.  So this post will be dedicated to the newest words of his vocabulary, which is increasing and an alarming rate.

He knows a TON of body parts.  First was nose, then came ears and eyes.  Now he can say and point to nose, ears, eyes, head, hair, neck, chin, cheeks, tongue, teeth, fingers, toes, feet, hands, arms, legs, knees, elbows (my favorite.  "What is this, Jamison?" and point to my elbow, and he says so sweetly "Ehw-bow." I melt.) tummy, belly button, and now...bum bum.  Yep.  I ran out of body parts I could think of so I taught him bum-bum.  It was kinda funny when he came up behind me, patted my rear-end and said loudly "Bum Bum!"  It was funnier still when he went up to Auntie Carma, who was visiting, and did it to her bumbum.  Maybe I shouldn't think its funny, but he's not even quite two, so he can get away with it.  I'll worry if he still does it when he's twelve. :)

His favorite food words are "Cooo-kie!" (cookie) and "Cannnnie" (Candy) and his most favorite food of the moment "Yo-git"  (Yogurt.)  Unfortunately he can't distinguish between the words Logan and Yogurt.  So Logan is, to Jamison, Uncle Yogit.

It makes me laugh.

He is obsessed with vehicles, just like his daddy.  He has a whole fleet of toy cars of all sizes and shapes from matchbox sports cars to RC jeeps.  He has to have as many of them as possible in his arms at once.  He can't just move them from place to place one and a time, he has to keep them all together. Its so cute when he lines them all up like in a parking garage. He has known the word "Car" for a long time (though its always doubled. not just car, but "Car-Car!")  but his Aunt Amy has been teaching him other car names, like Jeep and Truck.  The funniest thing happened the other day when he pointed to a van and said "Cartruck."  We hadn't taught him Van yet, so he figured it out himself.  It wasn't quite a car, but it wasn't quite a it most defintely had to be a cartruck.

Auntie Amy also taught him to pull leaves and flowers off the trees and shake his hands and say "Ewwww....goss!"  (Ew, gross) Which is cute until you try to get him to give you a kiss and he almost does, but then turns his head and says "Ewww...goss!"

We've also been trying to teach him manners, and he's caught on quite well.  If he wants something, he says, ever so sweetly "Peez?"  and when he gets it, he says one of two things: "Tankyou!" (Quick, almost staccato, like he is trying to be emphatic)  or his newest "Thankyouwelcome."  all one word.  "Peez?"  and then immediately afterward "Thankyouwelcome!"

I've been trying to teach him other things too, like when I point to myself in the mirror and say "Who's that?" and he says "ma-ma!" I get so delighted.  But the other day I pointed to his reflection in the mirror and said "Who's that?" and he said happily, "You!"  and then I realized every time I pointed to his reflection I would say, "That's you!"  So now when I point to him in the mirror and say who's that, I always add "That's Jamison!"  instead of "you."

He will just randomly point at the sky and say "Boat!"  But what he's really saying is "Bird!"  He's always looking for boats...I mean, the sky.  Sometimes he points at birds when we don't see anything.  I think he has better eyesight than me.  :)

There are so many other things he's doing and saying, but this will have to do for now.

I love this little guy.  I don't know what we ever did without him.
The end. :)


  1. What a smart little guy! I love the pictures, as always, you are so talented. It's so fun to read about J!

  2. A new post. Wahooo!!!!! What a cute little guy! I love the cartruck thing, it is so creative, and I wish I could have been there for the bumbum incident. That was hillarious!
