Saturday, April 26, 2008

It all comes tumbling down

Tearing down our shed was the first phase in our transition into our house! Check it out!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Big News

So this last week has been absolutely crazy... A week or so ago a coworker of mine accepted a position in Idaho and decided to move his family there and offhandedly remarked "Hey, Crystal, you want to buy my house?" and I offhandedly laughed, "sure, can you sell my trailer for me first?" We ended up talking a little about it, and I said I would drive past his house to check it out, but really nothing could happen until we sold our mobile home.

We drove past it, and just from the outside we really liked it. Dave (my coworker) said he was planning on listing it with a realtor in less than a week, on monday. On Wednesday we got an offer on our trailer, accepted it, and late at night went to look through Dave's house and loved it. It was beautifully taken care of and just the right size...everything we were looking for and right in the price range we were hoping for. So on Thursday we accepted the first part of payment on our trailer, got preapproved for a mortgage loan, and made an offer on the house. On Friday (yesterday) we worked out the rest of the details and started working on the purchase agreement...this is really going to happen! We plan on closing by the end of May. So this is an amazing double blessing. Things worked out perfectly for us with the selling of our trailer right on time, things worked out great for them in that they saved themselves having to list with a realtor and they can feel unhindered by their house when they moved to Idaho. We've both commented to each other that it just feels like this was supposed to happen. If we hadn't had one of our two previous offers on the trailer back out, we might be in a lease somewhere or have bought a house twice the price and half as nice. All this happened in three days! Wow!

I'll post pictures soon... but in the meantime, we have a lot of work to do!

P.S. I think it's time to make my blog private. Expect that beginning next week!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

12 weeks

I found this cool picture that visualizes what my baby looks like right now. I just want to comment on how miraculous this whole process is. Three months ago, this little life didn't exist. And now it does! Wow. Heavenly Father really knows his stuff.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Word Games

So after reading Carolanne's blog, I realized how glad I am to have someone else exhibiting the same symptoms of ditziness associated with the onset of pregnancy! It seems the language portion of my brain (the most prized part of my thinker!) has been affected the most. The first incident happened when I was trying to say I was happily going home from work. I wanted to say I was going to "saunter" out of there or "sashay" out of there. Instead it came out, "Guys, I am going to sautee out of here." What?!? Sautee?

The second incident happened in the car, when I was driving home with Keaton and we were discussing how little energy I've had lately. I commented, "Its a good thing its me who is pregnant, because you would hate to be slown down." Wait a minute... Slown? Ack! It was supposed to be slowed! Am i making up stuff now? Keaton got a kick out of that one.

Lastly, I was taking some wedding pictures on Tuesday at the SLC temple, and I was trying to direct the couple to stand in front of the fountain, only I kept forgetting the word for it. I'd say "Okay, now let's head over to the...the...water...thing...that shoots water...out of know? The... the..." Yeah. It was terrible. And they'd say "the fountain?" And then, ten seconds later I'd forget what it was called again.

That's it for this week. See you all... ah, crap. I forgot the word I was looking for. See you the future...or something...