Wednesday, April 9, 2008

12 weeks

I found this cool picture that visualizes what my baby looks like right now. I just want to comment on how miraculous this whole process is. Three months ago, this little life didn't exist. And now it does! Wow. Heavenly Father really knows his stuff.


  1. Wow! How tiny! Although I'm kind of suspicious that it doesn't really look like that! But as long as it helps you connect with your wee one, that is just fine.

  2. How Exciting! You are carrying my second grandchild. It certainly is a miraculious process. My second child is now growing my 2nd grandchild. Words can't express my

  3. I bet your baby isn't curled up in a ball yet. He or she is probably bouncing around enjoying all the room. It is fun to visualize.
