Saturday, April 5, 2008

Word Games

So after reading Carolanne's blog, I realized how glad I am to have someone else exhibiting the same symptoms of ditziness associated with the onset of pregnancy! It seems the language portion of my brain (the most prized part of my thinker!) has been affected the most. The first incident happened when I was trying to say I was happily going home from work. I wanted to say I was going to "saunter" out of there or "sashay" out of there. Instead it came out, "Guys, I am going to sautee out of here." What?!? Sautee?

The second incident happened in the car, when I was driving home with Keaton and we were discussing how little energy I've had lately. I commented, "Its a good thing its me who is pregnant, because you would hate to be slown down." Wait a minute... Slown? Ack! It was supposed to be slowed! Am i making up stuff now? Keaton got a kick out of that one.

Lastly, I was taking some wedding pictures on Tuesday at the SLC temple, and I was trying to direct the couple to stand in front of the fountain, only I kept forgetting the word for it. I'd say "Okay, now let's head over to the...the...water...thing...that shoots water...out of know? The... the..." Yeah. It was terrible. And they'd say "the fountain?" And then, ten seconds later I'd forget what it was called again.

That's it for this week. See you all... ah, crap. I forgot the word I was looking for. See you the future...or something...


  1. That's too might be good to learn some humility for a while! I always say things like "slown." My favorite that Steve hates is "might could." And I'm not pregnant. I wonder how bad it will be when I am pregnant.

  2. Haha! I hate that muddled feeling. I'm told it goes away after pregnancy is over, but it just gets replaced by "momnesia" which is the state of constantly forgeting everything because you aren't getting any sleep and you have too much to do.

    @ Carma-I love might could! I haven't heard you say that in a while.

  3. Taht is too funny and so true. Sorry to say that it never really goes away, somedays I feel like my brain is just a bowl of oatmeal and can't remember something I was thinking about at the top of the stairs by the time I reach the bottom, and our staircase is not that long. Then I try going back up the stairs to try to remember what I've forgotten, but usually can't so I just end up going up and down the stairs. So, I guess at least my body is getting into shape even if my mind is not. Slown isn't a word? lol jk
