Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Carolanne mentioned on her blog that while she takes a shower she lets William play on the floor outside the bathroom so she can keep an eye on him. I thought this was a great idea so I tried it myself this morning. It was only a quick shower, but as you can see, he was in no mood to play. The light from the bathroom was so pretty and clean I had to get a shot. I spent the next forty five minutes or so stepping over him, he was taking up the whole hall and I couldn't bear to move him and wake him up!

Later on...

Chillin' with Dad. Our baby is getting into World of Warcraft early.


  1. Those are precious! He just gets cuter everyday...Jamison I mean!! Keaton's not so bad either, Looks like you're doing a wonderful job, MOM!!!!

  2. Too cute! I love that stage, they stay where you put them!

  3. That is cute! Like father, like son. I can't wait to met him in just a few weeks!

  4. What Keaton plays WOW??? Do you know what server? Because Thomas and I play, as well as my dad, Grir, Tawny, Travis, and my brother-in-law Shane. We all play on the Thunderhorn server. Jamison is so cute, I had the same issue if the kids fell asleep on the floor or couch, can't move them cause you don't want to wake them up. They are so cute when they are sleeping, and when they are awake, but once they can open all the cabinets and bring you the contents sometimes they can be cuter sleeping :)
