Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Gospital

So today was our fast and testimony meeting since next week is Conference and the week after that is our Stake Conference. I'm not always a huge fan of when little kids get up and repeat the words their moms made them rehearse. I know its important for kids to learn how to bear their testimonies, but I get a little tired when all we get in a meeting is a whole passel of kids and none of their parents. But today, a tiny little girl who couldn't have been more than four marched to the pulpit. She couldn't even see over it, she was so little. All I could see of her was a piggy tail bobbing up and down as she boldly proclaimed her testimony.

She started with the usual...I love my family, I love my sister, love my teacher, etc...and then kind of forgot she was giving her testimony and started blessing everything...but the very end was the best.

Her little voice rang out, "And I am thankful for the Gospital," she said.

The Gospital. Keaton leaned over to me and whispered, "that one is new."

I had to smile. I realized how lucky we were to raise kids in an environment where they can feel free to tell us all how they feel, and for parents--though they should be up there themselves--who are, every day teaching their children the truth, and encouraging them to be unafraid to testify of it.

I, too, am very thankful for this Gospital.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! We had a little 2 year old in our last ward that would get up on his own and bear his testimony, you could make out a word here and there, but I just loved how excited he was to get up (on his own) and say he loved Jesus!
