Tuesday, April 7, 2009


It has been over a week since I last posted.

I'm not really sure how it happened, but the last week just slipped away. I mean, I blinked, and it was gone. I've been busy, and am getting exhausted.

But when I woke up this morning, the sun was filtering through my windows. A happy, gurgling baby greeted me with a smile. I felt my spirits lift.

It is easy, at the close of the day, to look back and see all that I didn't get done. All the things I didn't accomplish. But every morning, I feel a renewed surge of energy. Yes, there is plenty to do. But I can do it.


  1. I love early morning light filtering through the window. That's a nice picture, it kind of embodies morning serenity.

  2. I love mid-morning light. I'm not much for the early morning. If I have to be up that early, I'll probablly be grumpy...but mid morning light it wonderful! :)
