Thursday, June 11, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

We're trying our hand at the gardening thing... stay tuned to see if our thumbs are any sort of green. When I say we are trying our hand... I mean that Keaton is contributing most of the elbow grease, I'm documenting and Jamison is supervising. It works out really well! On the roster are: pumpkin, zucchini, acorn squash, watermelon, cucumber, green pepper, beets, green onions, carrots, brussel sprouts, and tomatos. Yum!
(It helps that it has rained like, every day. I didn't have to remember to water my styrofoam seedlings and they had to be moved to the garden only a couple of days after I planted them! So far so good...)


  1. Crystal, that is the most beautiful picture of Jamison so far! (and you know I think each one you take is the best)
    Have you ever thought about being a professional photographer :)

  2. I garden, blog, and clean during nap time, otherwise my plants would be demolished and the weeds would flourish. The green against the white styrofoam cups is very striking.No sunflowers this year??? I took a few seeds from your previous crop and planted them on the side of the house. They are looking kind of squirly, but they are growing. I'm coming to your house for the watermelon.Yum. And please please please do a blog about birthday drive-in. I'm sad I'll miss it. :(
