Tuesday, June 16, 2009


That's right folks. I officially put in my two weeks at the bank today. We knew it was coming as soon as Keaton found out he was getting benefits through his work, and now it is here. My last day is going to be July 1st! I just feel so blessed...that I can be home with my baby and still bring in money for our family through my photography. The last two-three years I have been building my portfolio, learning my trade, paying my dues, and just wishing it would work out into something bigger. And now, it is.

Don't get me wrong, this is a little scary. I won't have that guaranteed paycheck, work will have to come a little by luck and a little by hard work, but I'm ready for it. It is a leap of faith, to be sure, but we're taking it.

And it feels good. Really really good. There is a part of me that wants to vent about all the things I hated about the bank (and there are many, many things), but I am so happy that I just don't have it in me. If I'm being fair I will admit that it has been a great place to work for the last four years. But its time to open a new chapter.

And this time, I'm in charge.


  1. YEAAAAAA!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you. It will be so good to stay at home with baby. And your photography business is totally taking off! I'm so excited for you! And that's so great for Keaton that he is finally permanent. I bet it's nice for him to know that he won't have to worry weather or not he will have his job in the next couple of months.

  2. Congrats! Yeah! I'm so excited to hear that. I can't believe you didn't call me to let me know. But I'm very glad you finally get to quit...you've been wanting it for a while now. :)

  3. Congratulations, I am so happy for you! Good luck! Don't worry, I think my family alone will keep you pretty busy, we love your pics!

  4. I am happy for you! :) I know it's what you've wanted for a long time. NOW YOU CAN HAVE IT! Congrats.

  5. WAHOO!!!!! Do you want to throw a party where we burn all your old logo t-shirts?
