Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sexy Saturday!!!!

Hey thought I'd drop a line and let everyone know that we're going to be doing another sexy saturday on Nov. 10th because Carolanne will be back in town! Details are still pending, but seeing as how Carma and I are now "official" in our little photo biz, be prepared for lots of picture-taking! We kind of skipped that part last year, but no such luck this year! Get ready!! And if you have any suggestions for venues, give me a shout. Here is a basic itinerary:

morning: get ready
afternoon (approx 1-5 pm): shopping
late afternoon (5-6:30 pm): pictures
evening (6:30 on): dinner @ cool restaurant
late evening: fun actvity or movie


  1. I have missed the past ten sexy satrudays! I'm in for at least part of long as you don't mind a severely pregant mama truckin' along!

  2. Yay! It will be fun, and I'm glad we are shopping before hand, because I'm running out of cute things that fit. I've only got one pair of jeans that I can still button, but I don't look pregnant yet. i just look like I have a muffin top. *sigh* But at least it is for a good cause!

  3. What part of Utah are we thinking of doing this in???
