Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Seven things no one knows about me? Are you kidding? I talk so much about myself all the time, I don't have anything left to say. Well, here goes...

1. Since Carma already "outed" me on her blog about our long-standing love of the band Hanson, I guess I have to come clean. Its true. The summer of '97 was a glorious sunny cavalcade of jumping on the tramp, listening to mmmbop, and more jumping on the tramp. And more mmmbop. Oh, the joyous memories... I was forever converted to the way of hanson. And since they're almost the exact same age as me, I feel like I grew up with them. Now they're all married and have kids and stuff. Makes me feel really old and long for the days of sun and trampolines.

2. I'm addicted to anime. My husband and I are continuously searching for unknown shows to feed the addiction. Favorites are Ruroni Kenshin, Escaflowne, and Fullmetal Alchemist as well as movies such as Howl's moving Castle (I hate potatoes). I think what draws me to this mode of entertainment is that the emotions of the characters are so exaggerated, love and hate and sadness and fear are all magnified. None of that subtle stuff. Most people try so hard to keep their feelings inside, its refreshing to watch characters unabashedly blazing from one emotion to the other.

3. Unlike Carma, the straight A student, I have failed a class. Several, in fact. I seem to have a problem with doing what I'm supposed to do when I'm supposed to do it. (shrug) I'm one of those people who loves to learn stuff, I just hate having to jump through hoops. Worksheets were the worst things ever invented. I hate pointless things, so I just don't do them. No, this is not a good trait to have, but it's who I am nonetheless.

4. I am the worlds greatest procrastinator. When I know I have to do something, I'll get thiiis close to doing it, and then I'll distract myself with something else to avoid it. My story would have never gotten finished if I hadn't erased Spider Solitaire from my computer. In fact, right now I'm avoiding another immensely boring essay about nature and trees by writing this post. (see #3)

5. I laugh like Marge Simpson. This is something I've only recently noticed. If any of you hang around me sometime soon, try not to be embarrassed for me. Its unavoidable. I laugh after EVERYTHING. Even things that don't need laughs. I'll just start a sentence (laugh.) and then I'll start another (laugh.) It just never stops. (laugh.) The marge laughs come when I'm more bemused. Its kind of a sucking/nasal thing.

6. I love most kinds of movies, but please, don't ask me to attend one of those heartwarming sports-themed ones. I'd rather read the minutes of a rock-watching convention. No, there is no such thing as a rock-watching convention, but i might organize one if someone tries to make me watch a show about some down-on-his-luck athlete who makes a miraculous comeback just in time to earn the love of a winsome girl and make his dying father proud.

7. I would trade all the glitz and glamour the world could ever offer me for a quiet night at home in my jammies, cuddled next to my husband, with a cup of hot chocolate and an episode of heroes. I'll never understand the "party" scene that seems to suck the life out of the rich and famous. Keaton, Duncan, and a healthy dose of Hiro Nakamura and co. are I need to make me happy.

I tag Ann Marie! I don't know if you read my blog, but if you do this means you have to update yours!!!


  1. Yep, all those things are true. Except I never noticed the Marge laugh...I guess now I'll see it everywhere, now that I know about it.

  2. I've never noticed the Marge laugh either. I was right there with you on Hanson and mmmbop, although I have lost track of them since. (Unless I happened to be at your house when you guys were doing dishes. It always seemed to be playing then.) Every now and again when I'm tired or in a bad mood, I put in mmmbop...how can anyone be a grump listening to that? Good times.

  3. Marge?!! I haven't noticed that one yet. I do the "laugh after anything" too. I think I'll blame it on you.
