Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Husby

Keaton has been known to mutter a thing or two in his sleep, which is quite entertaining to me since I lived with Carolanne for most of my life and consider listening to sleep-talk a kind of a sport. (The key is to question them, make them repeat what they said. You get some real gems that way.) For instance, the other night Keaton woke me up out of a near-dead sleep with a very loud exclamation of "What the heck?!" in the dead of the night. When I tried to get him to explain what had startled him (Did you hear something? See something? Is someone trying to get into the house?) All I got was a half-mumbled answer about an undead army. Someone has been playing too many video games.

So last night I couldn't sleep at all. My head just kept racing, thinking about a mile a minute about worrisome things... what's with this economy? Can we make ends meet? Should I have spent that extra twenty bucks on that picture frame I had to have? Will my work be able to cut my hours to what they should be when I come back from maternity, if not, how will I take care of my baby? Will I have to find another job? Will I be able to find another job, part time with benefits? What would happen if Keaton's temporary job doesn't get renewed? Will we be able to keep our house? What about school? Will I be able to finish? How will we get Keaton through? And for heavens sake, I'm going to have a baby in like, TWENTY FOUR HOURS!!!....will he be healthy? Will I be a good mom?.... and on, and on and on. I can't turn my brain off to get some of the rest I desperately need.

Then my sleeping husband stirs a little, rolls over and wraps his arms around me. (Not an easy feat at the moment.) Then he sleepily whispers into my hair, "Don't worry, your husby has got you."

It wasn't long before I drifted away with that reassurance, sleep-talk or not. I shouldn't worry. My husby has got me.

I love my husby.


  1. That's so cute! When Daniel talks in his sleep and I try to question him he just wakes up and I don't get anything more. He's can question me for a few minutes before I wake up fully. Usually I remember what I've said and how it doesn't make any sense, so I end up just saying, "I'm asleep, and not making sense!"
    You will be a great mom and GOOD LUCK!!! Everything always has a way of working out in life, try not to stress. Soon you'll have a new little one that will take your mind off of everything but him!

  2. Awwwwww :) You will be a great mom, it is hard not to worry about that stuff though.
