Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So I got my hair cut a couple days ago, here is my attempt at a pic while holding a squirmy baby! Its a little deer-in-the-headlights-ish, but I still think i look cute in it. Oh, to feel cute again...! Still working on the body part, but a friend of mine told me that she'd heard from another friend that I was looking skinny. (Robin I heart you forever for telling Marci I look skinny! :) So we're feelin' good.

And, because I have become an unabashed mommyblogger, I also have to share that Jamison got the rollin' over thing down! He's been trying for the last week and a half or so, making it aboooouuuut there, like 90 percent of the way, but he just couldn't figure out what to do with that arm that kept getting in the way. But this morning...success! I turned him back over, and he did it again. And I turned him over, and he did it again. and again. We had great fun this way! I expect he'll add tummy-to-back to his growing repertoire soon.

Love this kid.


  1. So cute, and yes you are looking very skinny!

  2. Love the haircut, and the look on Jamison's face :) We need to hang out again so I can be jealous of your skinniness.

  3. Lucky! I need a hair cut! You are looking great Crystal. Just hang in there. I need to hit the gym bad! If you have any secrets pass them this way!

  4. I love the haircut, Kathryn made it so now I need to get one.
