Monday, August 17, 2009

4 years later...

I go to a lot of weddings. A lot. I never get bored of it. Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic...but there really is a kind of magic on that day. I'm lucky that I get to capture it. Seriously, is there a better job?

But the wedding day really isn't that important. It's what comes after. The day-to-day life you live, joined with another human being. The joys, the heartaches, the triumphs, the boredom, the frustrations. The laughter. The tears. Sometimes at the same time.

I was just looking through some of the pictures from my most recent wedding (see them here) and thinking...4 years ago this was me. Almost to the day. (They got married the 8th, our anniversary was the 9th) And I thought, who knew? Who knew it would be like this? Who knew that this is where we would be four years later?

We've created something amazing together. We have a beautiful, beautiful little boy, a home, a family. We have each other.

All of this happened as a result of a silly little English class when I was fifteen years old. I remember the first time I saw Keaton, walking in late the 2nd day of my 2nd semester sophomore English class. I found out his name when he sat nearby in the computer lab and they passed the roll around. His friend liked me. They sent another friend, Wendy, to talk to me. Before the year was over--and after a couple of detours-- Keaton and I were us.

I've been thinking a lot about what I would tell the old me about the now me. I wish I could calm 17 year old me down after a high school fight and say "Cool it. Seriously. Don't sweat it. You'll marry that guy some day. And by the way, enjoy that figure while you've got it." Or say to the 20 year old missionary's girl friend me, "Really, dear, it will be worth the wait. You'll barely remember what it was like when he was gone." I would tell the newlywed me: "You have no idea how wonderful this really will be."

...but if it came down to it, I wouldn't tell me anything.
I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.

My awesome anniversary present. Thought its a present for both of us because Keaton gets a healthy supply of fresh cookie dough from the deal. Its win-win, really.
mmmmm....molten chocolate lava cake. Isn't it magnificent? Really, I outdid myself on this one. Happy Anniversary indeed!

No post is complete without some pictures of my baby.
I shouldn't think this is funny. But I do. I so do.


  1. That cake looks wonderful!!!!! And I have baby maze pictures that I shouldn't laugh at either, but they are just too funny! Happy fourth/tenth.

  2. You just left him in there was he was crying! And then just look at this face, he has that "Oh, mommys got to take another picture before she can rescue me" look. :) It is cute, though.

    Happy fourth! I'm not sure why Carolanne said happy tenth? What is that about?

  3. She meant 9th...since we've been together (though that official date is in december.) But I kinda went over our get-together in the post. And I said I was fifteen when we met, and now I'm twenty five, so she just did the math. But thought we met when I was fifteen we didn't actually start dating until I was 16. Soooo...really its nine years together, four years married. :)

  4. Yeah for anniversaries, kitchen-aids, and chocolate cake! I love that picture of Jamison, there are just some things you can't help but laugh at.

  5. Okay Crystal, I just got to say that kind of freaks me out, thinking that you were younger than me when you met your husband. Just a little.
