Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mr. Mac and Cheese

After reading Carolanne's most recent post, I felt obliged to post some pictures of my own baby covered in goo and lovin' it. Jamisons goo is of the mac and cheese variety, this afternoon was his first taste of the good stuff...though I think he enjoyed taking fistfuls and feeling the slippery-slime between his fingers more than he liked eating it.

Watching that gleeful smile break out on his face almost makes me not mind having to clean globs of mac and cheese from my dining room carpet.


  1. Who knew Mac and Cheese could put a smile that big on someone's face!! You should send it to Kraft, he could be the next star in their commerical :)
    What a cutie!!!!

  2. Oh my gosh! If that isn't the cutest grin ever! I think I need more photography lessons from you, because the lighting on those pictures is perfect (and I think you are now the expert photographer)! I so want you to take some pics of Steve and I.

  3. He looks so ecstatic, I love it! That last pic really reminds me of you when you were a baby. It's so funny when the discover textures. Just wait until he starts taking fistfuls of food and squeezing it until it squishes through his fingers. Will won't eat watermelon anymore, it is much more valuable as a play toy because it crushes easily. I think it makes him feel powerful. It's messy, but at least he smells good afterward. By the way, it looks like Jamison is turning into a real cheeser (no pun intended). it looked like he was playing it up for the camera a little bit. So funny!

  4. Jamison looks a little mischeivous in the first picture. Maybe he wanted to make you clean mac and cheese off the carpet? He's so cuute! Even when he looks like he's planning something....
