Monday, August 3, 2009

Scenes from Our House

This is my new job.

I love it.

Yes, Duncan has very little understanding of "personal space."
Luckily Jamison is tolerant of having his bum sniffed.
Mommy does it all the time.

I love this boy.

Can you blame me?

He looks so sweet...
but he's also very curious.
And likes to explore.
Good thing the toilet seat is down, right?
Looks like he's planning something.
Don't do it Jamison. Don't do it.Ahhh man....! Turns out only one seat was down.

Good thing the bathtub is right there.


  1. That is so cute! He is getting so big!

  2. What a cutie. And what a fun mess for you to clean up! Jamison just has the biggest smile--it makes your heart melt! :)

  3. I'm glad you have such a cute son, cause that means I have a cute grandson! Jamison is just doing what you did to me soooo many years ago. I have to agree that there is no better job than that of being a mother and grandmother.

  4. Oh Camie! You are so sweet! If you ever want camera advice, I'm here for ya! (Though I am a passionate Nikon lover, I know Bryce shoots a canon. :) Oh, and I still have your black microfiber fabric you leant me like a year ago! I promise I didn't forget!
