Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Living in the Moment

I believe that "living in the moment"
isn't just about
or bungee jumping
or racecar driving
or mountain climbing.
Its about looking up from your work on the kitchen table
and seeing everything most precious to you
haloed in the late afternoon glow.

These are the moments I want to live in.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cake Wrecks

This is a hilarious website I have recently become addicted to. Go at your own risk. If you have any kind of job to go to, kids to take care of, laundry or dishes to do, or any sort of liquid in your mouth, this might not be the right website for you. Because you will spend hours on this site laughing your guts out. And your nose will hurt because of the milk that went through it.

Consider yourself warned!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

While you wait

I know I desperately need to update this thing, because we've been busy at our house! In the meantime, feast your eyes on this sweet halloween morsel:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Originally uploaded by crysrencam
An appropriate first word for an October baby, wouldn't you agree?

Man, I love this kid!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I don't know what could possibly be more enjoyable...a sweet juicy apple right off the tree, or watching your baby devour it.

Personally, Jamison, I think I got the better part of the bargain.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

An Interesting Venture

Most of the tasks of a homemaker are relatively outside my skill set. I'm not a natural in the kitchen, most of my laundry never makes it from the laundry basket into the drawer, and I consider myself accomplished if my bed gets made by noon. But that didn't stop me from impulsively buying a bushel of peaches at the fruit stand across the street from Maddox after our little drive the other day. Keaton is in love with his mom's canned peaches. So, I figured that if I could provide him with a great winter supply it might make it easier for him to overlook the burnt dinners, the laundry piles and the unkempt bed. :)

And of course, part of my excitement to jump into the canning venture is that I have the opportunity to photograph it all. My mother in law, who showed me the ropes (thanks Paula) called this a "lost art." And it is an art, both in the process and in the look of the final product. Really, the best part of the whole thing is admiring your work afterward. :)

One of the things I loved the most was the raspberry jam we made with the raspberries straight off our raspberry bush. Aren't they the most beautiful color?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Amazing Song

This song is so beautiful, by the former lead singer of Dishwalla. When I watched it I cried. I've been kind of a crybaby lately, but this song especially moved me. I thought of my mom when I watched it, how she's dealing with the recent loss of 2 of her sisters in 2 years time. But it isn't a downer song, its moving because it brings home how close those who've passed on really are. Mortality is an inevitablity, but I'd like to think that when it's my turn, I'll be touching my loved ones from the other side...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Afternoon drive

Saturday two weeks ago we hopped in the car and went on a drive on the west side of our mountains, back behind eden and avon, went off-roading a bit, and traveled the countryside outside of Hyrum and made a loop round to the freeway to go home.

Blowy, windy hair! I actually kind stuck my head out the window trying to get a shot. But then I felt like a golden retriever, so I stopped. :)

Chubby little feet, sweet sleepy baby:
I love that he is big enough that his feet rest on the back seat.
more crazy hair:
We had to stop at Maddox for a hamburger, of course, and we got Jamison out of the carseat so Keaton could teach him the finer points of driving.
get comfortable:
Carefully pick your tunes:

adjust volume accordingly:

How to honk your horn if someone cuts you off:
and don't forget to adjust the mirror.
all in all....

What a nice day.