Sunday, September 13, 2009

An Interesting Venture

Most of the tasks of a homemaker are relatively outside my skill set. I'm not a natural in the kitchen, most of my laundry never makes it from the laundry basket into the drawer, and I consider myself accomplished if my bed gets made by noon. But that didn't stop me from impulsively buying a bushel of peaches at the fruit stand across the street from Maddox after our little drive the other day. Keaton is in love with his mom's canned peaches. So, I figured that if I could provide him with a great winter supply it might make it easier for him to overlook the burnt dinners, the laundry piles and the unkempt bed. :)

And of course, part of my excitement to jump into the canning venture is that I have the opportunity to photograph it all. My mother in law, who showed me the ropes (thanks Paula) called this a "lost art." And it is an art, both in the process and in the look of the final product. Really, the best part of the whole thing is admiring your work afterward. :)

One of the things I loved the most was the raspberry jam we made with the raspberries straight off our raspberry bush. Aren't they the most beautiful color?


  1. Yummy! Keaton's right, there's nothing better than home canned peaches. You're a good wife!

  2. That looks so delicious! I'm jealous. I love raspberries. Yum...

  3. Wow! I think canning is the hardest home making task to conquer. Cudos to you!

  4. I can't tell you how jealous I am of your raspberry bush. If I had one, I don't think they'd ever make it to the jar. I'd eat them all fresh. Yum!!! Paula has it right, it is a lost art. It is a ton of work, but it is such a happy feeling seeing your shelves stocked full with those beautiful bottles. I love it!
    P.S. Julie is teaching me how to can meat. She says it's really easy. If I can get the hang of it, I'll show you how. Or maybe Paula already knows. :)
    P.S.S. Why is it called canning. shouldn't it be called jarring?

  5. Looks like you have been busy. Those peaches look yummy. Dad would love me to do some canning like that, but we would need to buy some peaches and I don't think we will have time to do that.Those raspberries look even yummier.
