Thursday, September 10, 2009

Amazing Song

This song is so beautiful, by the former lead singer of Dishwalla. When I watched it I cried. I've been kind of a crybaby lately, but this song especially moved me. I thought of my mom when I watched it, how she's dealing with the recent loss of 2 of her sisters in 2 years time. But it isn't a downer song, its moving because it brings home how close those who've passed on really are. Mortality is an inevitablity, but I'd like to think that when it's my turn, I'll be touching my loved ones from the other side...


  1. Yes, it was a beautiful song and it brought tears to my eyes. The video was very touching also. It is comforting to know that mom, dad, Ellen and Linda are always near. Thanks for sharing it with me.

  2. I think it was a very good way to show how people we have lost continue to touch and brighten our lives.

  3. Why do you always post things that make me cry? Love that song.
