Jamison loves our apples. We had a huge harvest from our apple tree this year, and he has definitely been the main beneficiary of the abundance. He know which pantry door has apples behind it and has figured out how to open it without the handle. (Its handles are too high up for him to reach, so we hadn't put a baby lock on it. He figured out how to open it from the bottom instead.) It is no wonder. He loves balls. He loves to eat. Give him something shaped like a ball that he can periodically munch? He is in heaven. I followed him around yesterday with my Christmas present (A 50 mm lens. I'm just breaking it in so its ready to use on Christmas. :) and this is what I got!
Okay these first ones are a little off-topic. But I love fishy cracker face. Keaton said that if you look at this one you can kinda see what he might look like at 10 or 12. Made me sad!! I want him to stay a 1 year old forever. Om nom nom nom nom...
Problem solving at its finest.
Yes. The apple is in dad's shoe. Awesome.
When mom finally helped him get it out, where did it go? Yep. Right back into Daddy's shoe.
Overwhelmed with excitement: So I know I'm a little behind on the halloween post...but when you think that I've never posted anything about moab yet either...or keaton's birthday....or vegas...this doesn't seem that bad. So in order to keep from posting pics of my son dressed up as a Skeleton when everyone else in the world is singing Christmas Carols, I decided to skip ahead a little.
We had so much fun at Brittany's and Bryan's for a little Halloween/Birthday shindig with our old friends. I forget what it is like to have adult friends sometimes. I miss all those get togethers and "hanging out." Plus it was fun for Jamison to chill with his fellow 1 year old homies. So here are a few from our night out with our little Bones.
So here is a little taste of the birthday party we held for Jamison on the Sunday right after his birthday. The whole family was there, from both sides! And the special smash cake was a mommy special...I'm artistic, but frosting is not my medium, so I went a different direction and designed my cake on my computer, took it to the store and had them print it onto fondant for me. Voila! A little frosting love from Grandma Paula, and we're in business! Jamison, however, wasn't so into the smashing....I think he's gonna be a foodie. He was taking small fistfuls and tasting it slowly. So cute! Still got dirty, but he was verrry careful to enjoy every bite!
Sorry for the hiatus! I'm gonna try reeeeallly reaaaally hard to catch up on all the posts I'm behind this week. And the laundry. They're quite similar really...the more it all gets piled up, the less I want to tackle it!
So here is a quick look at Jamison's birthday...on his real birthday. I shot a wedding that day so Jamison got to spend most of it with his Grandmas. Between the wedding and reception, when I dropped him off at Grandma Paula's house, we had a mini party and a little chocolate cake.