Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jamison's birthday part 2

So here is a little taste of the birthday party we held for Jamison on the Sunday right after his birthday. The whole family was there, from both sides! And the special smash cake was a mommy special...I'm artistic, but frosting is not my medium, so I went a different direction and designed my cake on my computer, took it to the store and had them print it onto fondant for me. Voila! A little frosting love from Grandma Paula, and we're in business! Jamison, however, wasn't so into the smashing....I think he's gonna be a foodie. He was taking small fistfuls and tasting it slowly. So cute! Still got dirty, but he was verrry careful to enjoy every bite!


  1. So cute...I'm so sad I missed it! But I'm glad I got to join the fun by watching the videos! Happy Birthday Jamison! Your favorite Auntie loves you!

  2. Wait, you designed the cake! Who do you take it to? How does that work? That's so genius! I love the pic with Jamison in the basketball hoop, that's hillarious.

  3. the cake is so darling! he is such a cutie. I wish I knew how to make a heading on my blog like you do.

  4. I love the color you painted in your front room! So Cute! I wish I could afford your workshop! I need some updating! ha ha!
