Monday, March 8, 2010

Well I never

So I guess since this blog is private again I can vent freely. :)

A couple days ago I submitted some of my most recent work to the Utah Bride blog.  I've been featured on their site 2 times before, so I thought I'd just email them a link of my new faves and they could maybe decide if there was one they might not mind featuring.  This was the response I got today, letter for letter:

i love how you have made us aware of your work and your recent stuff. we
love and adore that, we cant stay on top and look at all y'alls blogs. so
thank you. at this time we arent interested but please continue to submit.

warm regards

This is how I read it:

It is so cute how you think we might like your stuff.  But the truth is, we are way too awesome to take the time to click on your link.  We didn't see any of your work, but we'd like to reject it anyways. Thanks for thinking we're amazing.

warm regards

I am pretty sure, since the girl who posted my sessions the last two times I was featured (Clay and Clarissa's engagements and Melinda and Brandon's groomals) was a different girl, Megan (they run the site together) that she didn't even remember I'd been on there before.

The really frustrating thing is that I'm doing the best work of my life.  And the pictures speak for galls me that she didn't look at them because as she elegantly stated, "we can't keep up with y'alls blogs." I was really excited at the possibility of sharing it with a larger audience.

So, guys, what should I do?  Admit defeat with my tail between my legs?  Email them back with attached pictures and see if they'd reconsider? (albeit I'd have to do so without being snippy) Or should I get my version of revenge (which is to tear it up on every other shoot I ever do and be super successful without their approval.) lol

I feel a little better now.  Venting always works wonders. :)


  1. I would just take that emotion and put it in the will make them that much better. Besides, I don't think she deserves to know she got under your skin...just sayin :) xoox. You are wonderful!

  2. I think you should do the third?! Try to advertise or get your pictures out elsewhere to show off some of your work. Maybe its just because I dont live in utah but I have never heard of the blogg. If they are going to be like that I wouldnt try to work with them. I am just like that though. Your an amazing photographer and you know it. People deserver to have their special moments captured perfectly, your the perfect one to do it. :)

  3. Doesn't she know who you are? Psh! She should. Getting yourself out there is always great, so I would send a :) polite email (with the pics) back saying you appreciate them wanting to see more. Then continue to tear it up with each session because your awesome and who do they think they are? You're awesome Crystal and I hope you really know that!

  4. Wow, I'd really expect alot more professionalism from the UBB. Seriously, "y'alls"? And the absence of capitals and good grammar... it sounds like a little kid wrote it, haha.
    I'd say they don't deserve your pics if they're going to say stuff like that. You're better than that.

  5. Amy's advice...."Stick it to the Man!" She's not sure how, but knows you'll find a way!! You are awesome! Noapte Buna!!! pa pa
