Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Well I never...the finale


we have decided that though we really like your shoots that they would
need to be featured in another season. we are going to file them away in
our fall files to be posted in the summer time in prep for fall planning
brides. please read our news post again to understand and let me know if
you have any questions. should we decide to use it when the time comes we
will notify you of our intentions and seek permission. in the meantime,
please continue to submit your best work.

warm regards


Dear Audrey

Thanks but no thanks.

warm regards


Just kidding, I didn't write that.
But yeah.  Ain't gonna happen.



  1. I am mean and would have written it. :) I have never be to hawaii (which i am sure is amazingly beautiful) but for the people that they are going to be trying to "sell"(if that is the right word) arnt going to be going to hawaii. You have amazing pictures. I agree with Nancy that she isnt very professional in her emails. That just show how stuff is really ran there. Not a place I would want my work to be shown. I would just shrug it off. You dont need them. :)

  2. Their loss. We love your photography! They obviously do too, or they wouldn't have featured it in the past. Crazy people.
