Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Well I never...part 2

So I did buck up and resubmit the pictures last night.  Keaton thought I was overreacting (I'm a girl.  Its allowed). And I figured, if she didn't look at them then I'd include them in the email so she could at least see them first. Besides, I've already been humbled...not gonna hurt me much to be humbled again, right?

So this is what I wrote.  I thought I was being quite nice.


I have been featured on UBB before, and all I did was submit a link. If its easier, I can for sure just send a few samples in the body of the email or a zip file (though before I didn't go to the trouble of resizing and zipping the pictures until I knew they were going to be featured).  I figure the easiest way for you to see them (without having to slog through the blog, lol) is to copy and paste into this email.  I will put the individual links to each post at the end just in case.  Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you don't mind my resending these. (I thought you might be particularly interested in the "first look" part of the groomal session, since I hadn't seen anything like that on your site.)

Thanks again.

Crystal Smith
Envision Image Photography

This is the reply I got this morning (she must have realized she sounded like a moron in the last one)


how you submitted them before is fine too. i didnt mean to deter any way
that you want to submit. its just that the busier we get the more efficient
we need to be and so we have concluded that we really like images being
sent ready to go, but they certainly dont have to be, and sometimes we
really like just a few images sent and if we want to pick it up for a post
then we want the rest. thanks for pbeing patient with us as we work out the
kinks of how to best get the job done. so no worries on that if its not
convenient for you. sending us a link to your blog is just fine.

i really appreciate you taking the time to put these into an email. But i
still feel like its not right for the blog at this time like i said in the
earlier email. the first look thing was so fabulously caught but its not
quiet the caliber of imaging we typically look for. but the concept is
something that i think we would like to feature on the blog, the whole
first look thing. let me sit on this and run it by megan when she comes
back to the office.

warm regards

Thanks Audrey.  By all means, sit on my sub-par imaging until Megan comes back.  (I'd like to link to the UBB and show you some of the recent photography posted....not quite the caliber? Or quiet the caliber...some one needs to teach this girl to proof read. :) Okay found one from not too long ago on their "new photographer feature"  Not bad...but certainly I'm just as good.  I know it.  Maybe because my shoots didn't take place in Hawaii.  Or is it because my clientele don't wear couture wedding gowns? (That would not surprise me one bit)

And, Aubrey?  You didn't say it wasn't the right fit in the last email.  You said "I ain't got time to look at y'all's blogs."  A "sorry, I don't think these are quite the right fit."  would have been fine.   I'd have shrugged my shoulders, thought "hey...your loss" and moved on.

Megan was the one I worked with the last two times. She's probably human.  Not sure about Audrey.
Yep.  Definitely not the caliber...

Sorry. :) hehe


  1. how did she ever get a job working there in the first place? She sounds like an idiot!!! Must be "related" to the owner or boss, eh??? We know you are talented! Love ya!!!

  2. I think you're right... I think they don't really care how good the photographer is, just if the bride is wearing a 'vintage' or 'couture' wedding gown, or doing something totally crazy. But really, most brides tend to go with something more traditional. I know I did, because I didn't want my wedding to be totally out of style and tacky within 5 years. Just look at the latest shoot they put on there. They hardly even look like wedding pictures.

  3. Yeah after their most recent post I knew for certain it was about the couture. Their newest "It" photographer had blown out highlights, weird facial color tones, and missed focus in a bunch of the pics. She is still good...but it was more about the fashion and less about the technical photography prowess for sure. When they say "caliber" it is most certainly not the photography caliber, it is the subject. Which to me is so backwards. If you want to appeal to a large audience you bring to the table something that the can relate to, not the trendy stuff that, as Amanda put it, will be dated in a few years. Heaven knows those balloon sized puffed sleeves in the eighties were the height of fashion...but I'd thank my stars every day if I was married in that timeframe and didn't follow that trend!
