Friday, February 22, 2008


We don't know if we're coming or going. Literally. The people who were supposed to be buying our trailer have all but vanished. They won't answer our calls, and it has got us wondering if they didn't qualify to live in the trailer park for some reason and are too embarrassed to say so. In the meantime, we're in that limbo between where we are and where we need to be! It feels like it's time, we're ready, we've got our foot outside the door...but we're stuck. Can't really move forward or backward. We're re-posting our trailer ad. If our current buyers don't resurface, it may be that someone else out there needs it more.

1 comment:

  1. Weird, maybe they are just really busy and can't get around to returning your phone calls. I hope that's the case. Trying to sell your place and find a new one can't be easy.
    P.S. I'm thinking I wan't to do another Memorial Weekend trip, and I was thinking Moab. Let me know what you think.
