Sunday, February 17, 2008


We've had quite the week. It seems that we have a lot of new things to get used to, the first being the loss of my aunt. The funeral yesterday was beautiful, her son Steven gave her one of the most touching tributes I've ever heard. She was buried next to her parents in Preston, where we released balloons in her memory. She would have totally loved it.

The second noteworthy thing that happened this week was Brandon getting his mission call. He's going to Bellum Brazil (I think that's how it's spelled!) and he leaves in June. We are all totally stoked for him but his mission is right on the equator by the Amazon, so we're expecting him back with a tan (or a major sunburn.) I'm really proud of his decision to go, I think he'll do great.

On Friday, we got an offer for our trailer, so we're going to be moving! We've got a contact on a little house we can rent in Syracuse until we find the house we want to buy. We didn't know how long it would take to sell it, and we're really excited to be moving forward. This is just the first step in a lot of big plans. It will be hard to leave our little trailer, it's been home for 2 1/2 years! That's almost as long as I've lived anywhere recently! (Moved to Plain City in 2001, moved back to Clinton in 2003, got married and moved to Clearfield in 2005, etc.) So this is right on schedule. We have a hectic two weeks of moving ahead of us, but we're ready.

In the midst of all this craziness was Valentines Day. I just want to take this moment to appreciate the wonderful, supportive husband I have. He sent me flowers at work and took me to the Union Grill (our reception was at the Union Station, so that is a special place for us.) He has just been the best, letting me cry on his shoulder and giving me the random hug when I needed it. He didn't try to rush me into feeling better and he let me talk his ear off about Ellen (a fitting tribute to her, I think) and I really appreciated it.

So much more to come! I have a feeling 2008 will be great for us.


  1. It's actually called Belem, but it's apparently pronounced Belang, according to a couple of the elders in my ward.

  2. You're moving! Yea for you! I did like that little trailer though. It was the perfect little starter home, or rather mobile home. That will be quite a change for you guys. So when exactly are you moving? Do you need any help? That's also cool for brandon, I got the text and wasn't sure if you were really talking about your brother. I can't believe that he is old enough to be getting his call, that's crazy. When did people get to be that old, let alone me.

  3. Everything sounds so exciting! I'm jealous and very happy for you!!

  4. Home ownership is great. You'll learn how to fix all sorts of things! For Duncan's sake, you may want to consider only those houses that have huge yards and no tile/linoleum. Two weeks is quick and you have a lot of things to do between now and then, so I hope things settle down for you in a few weeks!
