Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Four Weeks

In honor of my baby's four week milestone, I wanted to share a few things I've learned about motherhood.

1. Sleep is a nicety, not a necessity.

2. There are a lot of things that can be done one-handed. For example, eating, folding laundry, blogging. And if it can't be done one-handed...well, I just don't do it. Problem solved.

3. Duncan is a dog again. It wasn't long ago we thought of our mini schnauzer as our "baby." And though we still love him, he is back to being just a dog.

4. Whoever came up with the term "sleeping like a baby" probably didn't have a baby. In truth a napping baby is both precious and perilous...its a beautiful thing, but often ill-timed and short-lived.5. What goes in the baby is not what comes out of the baby. I've seen what this little guy eats... it doesn't look anything like what he poops. Baby magic?
6. Tackling the most disgusting, messy diaper disaster is preferable to seeing your baby unhappy. Otherwise he would never get changed.
7. A girl who could have slept through a hurricane can become a mother who will startle awake at the barest whisper of a baby sigh from a room over.
8. Anything can be used as a burp rag. A blanket, a tablecloth, your own sleeve. Clothes covered in spit-up should be worn with pride--they indicate that you are a mom.
9. Nothing is sexier than a daddy cuddling with his baby.
10. Any day where the house is still standing and mom, dad and baby are all alive and well is a good day.
I love this little guy.
More pictures on


  1. AMEN to that! Every word of it was true. Jamison is getting so cute! I can't wait to see him at thanksgiving. What pretty blues! I love the picture with the leaves.

  2. I had to smile at every comment and think, I just can't wait :) I love, love all your pictures!

  3. What a cute post! A guy in my old ward used to call the spit up or baby food you will now wear on your shoulder for the next few years, at least, mommy badges. Good thing for clutzes like me, I can blame the spills on the kids! :)

  4. How precious! He is so adorable. Those are some great shots! And you seemed to have learned a lot in such a little time. Congrats on being a new mom! :)

  5. I totally agree with all those statments, and he is such a cute little guy, love the pics.
