Wednesday, July 8, 2009

All Things Being Equal

Last week, when we were out to eat with Carma and Steve and Keaton's brother Logan, we started discussing the fact that Carma and Steve were staying in West Valley and driving back and forth between Davis and Weber counties and West Valley because Steve's parents had a nice guest bedroom. "One day," I told Carma, "we'll have a guest bedroom and you can stay at our house, its halfway between."

This got Keaton on a subject we've been over many times before. "We need to get a King size bed and then we can move our Queen to the guest bedroom."

"He's always complaining," I told the rest of the group, "but he complained more when I was pregnant. Go figure."

"We still need to get a new mattress," he insisted. "It isn't as bad as when you were pregnant, but still..."

"We don't need a new mattress," I said, "the one we have is fine."

"But," Keaton said in exasperation, "you take up like, fifty percent!"

Logan didn't miss a beat. "What you're saying is, that she takes up an entire fifty percent, leaving you with only....fifty percent?"

Keaton computed that. We all broke into laughter. He stammered for a minute, trying to justify his statement, but even he started laughing.

I thought marriage was about being equal with your partner.

I guess not when it comes to bedshares.

Later, Keaton decided that if we go by size, it really should be 70-30. Which is flattering...but I think I'll keep my 50%. I makes up for the 100% of the covers he steals.


  1. Hilarious! We have a king and Zack still tells me I hog the bed. Go figure!

  2. We have a king and somehow I still get knees in my back. But I'm really not complaining because that is better than it used to be. :)

  3. OH, and then you add the baby to the mix and Daniel and I are hanging on for dear life on one side of the bed while he manages to take up 80% of the bed.

  4. We've been talking about getting a king for a while too, I always seem to be right on the edge of the bed with my pillows on the floor. I don't know what we'll do when I get pregnant.
