Monday, July 27, 2009

Aunt Linda

Last week my aunt passed away. I still don't know what to say or write about it, so here is my letter to my brother Brandon, who is on a mission to Brazil.

Hey little Bro,

I know you've probably heard from everyone else about Aunt Linda's passing--and for you its probably quite fresh and still awful. I guess since it was a few days ago I've come to terms with it more but it has given me the opportunity to think. You know, its like all of a sudden there comes a very brutal reminder that this life is short, and we are mortal. I has given me a great sense of urgency. You just never know. I loved Aunt Linda and her death was a bit of a shock but when mom asked me if I wanted to go see her body I said no. It isn't her anymore, and seeing Ellen for the last time in the hospital was so unsettling I prefer not to have the same image of Linda. So the last time I saw her was when I stopped by her house a couple months ago, and she gave me a blanket for Jamison. It was a pleasant little visit. A good last memory, I think.

I haven't blogged about it yet because I'm really not quite sure what I want to say. On one hand, it is good that she is no longer in pain. and we know the plan of salvation, so we know she is with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Ellen. On the other hand, we both know her mortal life was less than perfect--but who's is? It has brought me to the realization that it is a good thing that it is all in the Lord's hands--and he is merciful. So I really don't know what else to write, just that I know it really sucks to find out but once the shock wears away it isn't that bad. Thank goodness for the big Plan, eh? She's doin a'right, I'm sure.

Hope you have a good week, my blog posts will probably make you at least laugh a little. :)

Love Crystal

1 comment:

  1. You summed it up. I just hope a real person was able to talk to him before he found out with cold uncaring black and white type. Your letter was beautifully written. I was trying to think of the last time I saw her, and I think it was at Brandon's farewell. Will gave her his first real smile and I remember feeling slightly jealous, but now I wonder if he wasn't trying to tell her something. Silly maybe, but I find the thought comforting
