Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rainy Day Photo Shoot

Carma came up for the holiday weekend from Arizona and we decided that we would do a mini photo shoot so A. I could get a good photo to put on my blog and website and B. so I could impart my vast photo knowledge to her eager young mind (not really, she already knows most of it, I was just teaching her a few of the tricks and tips I've learned in the last little bit). But it rained...and rained...and rained... which was fine for the lighting (it was SO GORGEOUS) but not so good for the hair. (But check out the black and white of Carma. I made it big because wow)

Paula has advised me that the pictures I've put on my new header and profile pic don't really look like me because I'm not smiling! So here is a smiling one...

Its a little dorky, but I guess thats just me...


  1. I am always amazed that you can make any situation look beautiful. I love the big black and white of Carma too. But also the last b&w one of you is beautiful, you are one hot momma!

  2. Gorgeous girls! ??? Would you be interested in swapping a family photoshoot with me? I just never get any of my family together. Dunno if it's the same for you. I was thinkg out at the G. salt lake? If your interested email me Thanks Crystal!

  3. That's Abercrombie and Fitch material right there! And to think I was stinky and smelly from camping while you guys were having all that fun without me. :(
